Tuesday, October 28, 2008

october 27th assignment

A podcast is a serie of audio or video digital media files wich is distributed over the internet by sindicated download through web feeds. The latter is also called poadcasting.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My unforgetable travel

A dictionary in the new language because to me it's very important when I can to speak with the people and understand them.A bible because sometimes I like to read the salms.My prefered perfum because it smells very good, and it is expensive.My personal directory with the most importants addresses and telephone numbers because I need call them and visit them when I come back.A few beatiful photos of my family and friends because those bring good memories to me.A Ipod with my favorite music because I love to listen to music.My special pillow because I can't to sleep well with another pillow. My underwear because I like black and good quality. Three good quality jeans because colombian's jeans are famous because their quality is the best .Money from the new country, because will be easier to get simples things like to take a taxi in the airport.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


For the humans is fantastic to have the opportunity to be in contac whith so beatiful and intelligents animales, this experience help us to remember that animals like dolphins can make us feel bette, when we touch them, and we can to feel their skin, that sensation gonna be unforgetable to us. The dolphins are magical creatures, you can not waste the opportunity to be swimming with them, to the people is like a happy teraphy. Everybody can to experiment so beatifuls moments, and undertand better the wildness world.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Somethig about myself

I came to this country because unfortunely I can not to stay in my country. These first months has been very dificult for me, my husband and my daughter. The most dificult is the language, because back home nobody speaks english, but I think I am learning very quickly, my teacher is very patiente and I am learning a lot interesting things about grammar, pronuntiation, listening etc. I would like start to work, but I know I have to learn english first.